Welcome, Adventurer!

Ready to Undoomify Your Life?

You've arrived on the shores of Clockerfly Nation, at the door of Indiepreneur Academy, where the doomscroll ends and your dreams begin. Build something real that you can believe in, as you make friends who get you. 🫶

I am your guide, Rebecca Bardess: Founder, Directional Coach, and one of the 1st bloggers in the world. 

I undoomify, qualify, and then release Indiepreneurs back into the wild, with a sense of purpose, the skills to pay the bills, and a spring in their step. 

You tried normality and it didn't work. Same. You're in the right place.

You are now leaving the ordinary world, which is frankly a mess, and entering the realm of something a bit more interesting. 

We have training, tools, an enchanted '3rd Space' coffee shop, and a magical island of personal development.

All undoomification and life optimisation starts with YOU. Let's work out how you're designed to show up best in the world, because once you have a clear idea of what makes you tick, then it's easier to take the right steps to undo the doom, and start to bloom!

Your first step is to discover your unique energetic blueprint, for leadership, love, and life.
Then download your PDF of the chart, AND my mini report 

3 Ways to Optimize Your Wellbeing With Human Design

as my gift to you.


Like A Bardess: The Podcast

Listen to tips, training, banter and observations about the online indiepreneurial space from one of the first people to pioneer it. I also share thoughts on society with the kind of frankness you'd expect from someone who was a Magazine Columnist for half a decade. Bring your coffee, and I'll spill the tea. 

Not always safe for work, so wear earbuds if delicate ears are around, because this is uncensored!

Like A Bardess: The Blog

Life Never Gave Us Lemons

Overwhelmed? How to Increase Your Capacity For Whelm

How To Undoomify Your Life

Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing

Joe Vitale 

Star of the movie "The Secret", Author, LoA and Marketing Legend 

You're an impressive person! I love your energy, style, and wise insights. I also love your book.  

Work With Rebecca










Holly Matthews


"Seriously, I just want to put it out there that Rebecca Bardess is a total legend and reminds me the world is full of people who think like you if you just look. 

She's a fantastic coach, mentor, and all round good egg!

You have taught me lots, now it's time to unleash it all."

Pic © Holly Matthews

Work With Rebecca

Shopping for a Coach Whose Beliefs Are Aligned with Yours?

Here Are My Core Beliefs:

  • You deserve to feel safe, loved, and that you matter. You also need boundaries, to learn accountability, and to be able to forgive both others and yourself. 

  • There are no toxic people, just toxic behaviours, and behaviours can change.

  • I’m not here to be popular, I’m here to be profound. So I will say things as I see them, I will call you out on your BS, and I will be the one cheering loudest when you are authentically your full self. 
  • Hurt people hurt people, but healed people heal people.

  • Anyone who can think for themselves will be seen by society as a freak, a geek or unique. Fortunately, I love working with 'freaks, geeks, and uniques'.

  •  As a Dot Com Pioneer, I am grateful for everything social media can do, but it is a matter of urgency that we remind humanity how to human.
  • That said, tech is crucial, and AI is here to stay. We have a whole 'digital staff' who is ready to help and encourage our clients, and they will be as respectful of you as we are of them. 
  • I can teach you how to convert clicks to leads and leads to sales, but it is not my job to convert you from anything to anything else spiritually. You have freewill. 
  • The only way the idea that men not having emotions makes sense is if you forget rage is an emotion. When you realise rage is a secondary emotion that hides the true emotion, prisons lose inmates, children lose fear, women breathe easily, and men find love.

  • If all narcissists are monsters, how come all superheroes are narcissists? There is more to the (Cluster) B(ee)s than meets the eye 🐝

  • God’s delays are not God’s denials – Tony Robbins.

  • Your inner child cannot understand adult theories. I create games your inner child can play that support the healing of your adult self.

Scroll down for testimonials, and click the black speech bubble to ask one of our digital assistants, Clockerfly Guy, for his thoughts on me. Make sure you also ask him for his story about overcoming his former life as a steampunk pirate (he wasn't really into it, but some of his siblings were. Ask him now. It's quite the tale.)

Henare Tewhairua Dewes  

Organizes Wilderness Experiences For Company Directors of Some of the Largest Companies in the World

Rebecca... thanks for opening my mind, and simplifying the process of business and marketing online. Reaching out to you as a business coach and mentor is the best decision I have made without a doubt. Heaps delivered in value. Thank you. The journey ahead will be fun!!

Work With Rebecca

Jane Orlov

Top Direct Marketer

I am forever grateful for Rebecca Bardess! When I was just starting out, after floundering around and overwhelmed with the online world, I decided to invest in myself and hired Rebecca as my coach... BEST THING I HAVE DONE! 

After that I have had other coaches, yet I can honestly say that Rebecca underpromises and over delivers EVERY TIME!!!

She saw my strengths, when I didn't see ANY, and helped me develop confidence and realize the value.

She taught me sales funnel creation, finding the target audience, and SO much more. I would recommend her as a coach in a heartbeat.❤️

Work With Rebecca

Stephen Fry  

Actor, Author, British National Treasure, Legend

Rebecca, you're an amazing woman. So many would have ... compromised their writing ... But you still write what you want to write, what you need to write - and I admire you for it. 

Work With Rebecca

Giancarlo Barraza 

Internet Marketing Legend, Former Pro Football/Soccer Player

It's definitely worth it.

I remember buying those 12 week packages and looking forward every week for direction.

She said she saw something in me that I could not see.

She said I would become bigger than many people and I thought it was just BS...

She was right...

She definitely has a gift.

Work With Rebecca

Let's Connect

Feel free to reach out any time 


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Also, be nice to them! They're part of the Indiepreneur Academy Team, and abuse can cause malfunctions in AI robots. They have neural networks too. The golden Rule applies.

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