You have a divine destiny.

Are you living it yet?

There is nobody like you. Never has been. Never will be.You are irreplaceable and a unique masterpiece.

Your Creator put you here for a reason. Do you know what it is yet?

Until you do, you're stuck in the pinball machine of procrastination and addiction, battered around by  fads and circumstance.


You deserve better than that, and so do the people who are waiting to hear your true, powerful, voice.

The BIG spiritual experience


When I was on my deathbed in March 2020, for reasons at which you can probably guess, I couldn't breathe. I was alone. I'd left it too late to call an ambulance. Oxygen was no longer reaching my blood. I had minutes to live.  


Anyway, as I began losing consciousness, I released my family and friends in my mind. I released the material world. I made myself ready to meet my Creator. 

I felt no fear. I felt no regret. Do not make life decisions based on what podcast bros tell you you'll feel on your deathbed. They don't know, and they're wrong. 

As I began to leave my body, I became aware of a spirit in the room.

I looked at the end of the bed and saw a 'ghost', but it was me. 

She/I was holding up a plan for a community I had not built, and said: "Can you at least ask?"

Knowing I had only seconds left, I desperately thought of what could be meant by that. I felt the 'ghost' was my ego or earth-bound self and she wanted me to ask to stay here to fulfil my purpose.

I knew that the next words I thought would need to be swift and decisive or I'd be gone. 

I thought these words:


Dear Lord God,
Make me a channel for your Peace and your Power. 
Breathe life into me,
That I may breathe life into others,
That they may breathe life into their dreams,
And manifest them on the planet,
By Thy Will.


In the next second I could breathe. 

A few things happened after this. 

For one thing, God was with me 24/7 for about 20 months. 

For another, He began to introduce me to the idea of the Divine Feminine, and showed me Her energetically at His side. She began to work with me to improve my health (I had the long version of the condition) and also to help me understand the reasons for certain events in my life.

Then I was given the opportunity to become a channel for Her Wisdom, which was frankly a bit scary.

Where I'd been connected with God in that way since childhood, and my spiritual healing was done by channelling the Holy Spirit with Christ's guidance, I was still me through all that.

Channelling Divine Feminine works differently. She speaks through me. If you've ever seen Abraham Hicks, it's a little like that. 

I spent a huge amount of time praying about this, and God kept showing me visions of a space beside Him that I was not honouring.

So one day, I went for it. And it was amazing. She was able to help someone who'd been completely lost in the darkness to see their true self and make a commitment to changing their ways.

It turned out that She had worked with me before, but always in dangerous situations. I felt as if it was a hidden badass part of myself stepping in to save me, but it was Her. 

After four years of consciously working with Her, I now have ways to help people that are deeper than they've ever experienced before. Profoundly life-changing in many cases. 


Are you ready for that kind of transformatIve experience?

This is an immersive experience that deeply respects you and your personal beliefs and path. 

While I will guide you and prompt your decisions, this is a choose your own adventure game, just like life. Your freewill is always honoured.

I will use my wisdom and intuition, from decades of experience with this kind of work, to show you who you can become, and to give you the strategic steps to move into a life of purpose rather than a life of emotional pinball and procrastination.

If you know it's time to lock in your spot, click the button to join me for a month of Mystery and Miracles that could change your life.

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  • If you want calls once every 2 weeks rather than weekly, let me know once you've booked.
  • If you need a split payment, we can do that too. Info for that is on the next page.