Navigating Stormy Seas
Ahoy there, adventurers and scallywags!
How was your week?
We've had some pretty wild weather here. Not sure about raining cats and dogs. It's been raining parrots and narwhals here!
But nobody ever promised us life would be all sunshine and gentle breezes, so how do you handle it when life storms into your life with the force of a sociopathic tornado full of, well, narwhals?
The Sails Are Your Business
The late, great, Jim Rohn taught us that the same wind blows on us all – same economic wind, same political wind – so success isn't about the storm. It isn't about the wind that blows on you, but in how you set the sails.
The sails on your life or your business are, literally YOUR business and nobody else's. And as you improve the set of the sails, don't be surprised in the set of the SALES also improves.
How Do You Set The Sails?
This is on mindset. Personal Development needs to be a daily habit. I'm a coach, and have been involved in the coaching and consultancy niche since 1999. Some time around then, I went to my first high ticket Personal Development event. It was Unleash The Power Within with Tony Robbins. I believe it was the first time he'd held it in London. I've hired coaches, and bought courses and books ever since.
When Tony Robbins Supported Me in an Influence Contest on Twitter
This was pretty wild. It happened in July of 2009, as I was approaching the top 20 in a contest against the likes of ALL the Kardashians, Katy Perry, The Saturdays, and a bunch of other celebs. In part thanks to his support, I won! Here's the story behind what happened, and how I set the sails to make the most of it. Anyone serious about making it safely through online storms in today's competitive ocean needs to read this!
I just noticed that I tagged it 'Operation Land Ahoy' too. Wow! Time is a flat circle.
Here's the story...
Tony Robbins is Following Me!!
A Bizarre turn of events has occurred in my bid for the Ms Twitter UK title. A man of 898,688 followers on twitter - who was following only 204 - backed my bid and started following me!
He's a bit of a hero of mine, I've got to be honest. When I was living in America, I split up with my then boyfriend and ended up sitting in an apartment on my own watching shopping channels - an unheard of invention in England at the time. On one of these channels I saw a positive chap talk positively about something. I wasn't feeling very positive so I thought I might be able to buy some positivity off him. I phoned and gave over my card details.
A little while later a bunch of tapes arrived in a box. By this point I was feeling a bit better so I put them in the cupboard. The box came back to England with me. It travelled all over the place with me then, one day, I was on the phone with my bank in America trying to find out what had happened to a small amount of cash and whether it could be transferred into my English account. 24 hour news had just been introduced and I watched the TV as a plane flew into a tower. I had to break the news to the person on the other end that their offices in New York had been attacked. I phoned my dear friend (the chap of earlier in the story - ex and now best chum) and while I was on the phone, another plane flew over his building. The line went dead...