I left it too late to call an ambulance. As I was dying, I had a vision of this membership. This is why I AM here. This is IAM.
Indiepreneur Academy Membership (IAM) came to me on my deathbed with covid. I had just taken a breath where I felt no oxygen hit. I was alone, and I knew I had run out of time. In the few seconds before I lost consciousness, I let go of my family and of this world. In my head, I said:
Dear God.
Make me a channel for your peace and your power.
Breathe life into me,
So that I may breathe life into others,
So that they can breathe life into their dreams, and manifest them on the planet.
In the next moment, I gasped, and felt the oxygen hit.
This is my purpose. This isn't just some little dealio. This is serious to me. This is what I'm here for.
Why are you here?
Nobody is coming to save you. Nobody is coming to save your family. It's on you. It's necessary that you take control of your life now. It's time. If covid taught us nothing else, it taught us to grab life while we have it, and bring all we have to every second we have on this planet.
Can you imagine how it would feel to build a resilient and flexible business from home, that supported your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing as well as your need to grow your mind and budget?
You can do that, you know. I believe in you. And I will help you. Scroll down to see how I've helped others.
Stop waiting for things to return to normal. They won’t. We’re going through a transformation… a metamorphosis
Most people lack the confidence right now to unfurl their butterfly wings and fly. Instead, they’re in the mush and pain of the cocoon, and desperately hoping they can reform into their caterpillar selves.
It isn’t happening.
You need to keep going forward.
Stick with it.
Get through this stage, understanding the world has changed forever, and get support to help you move into the next stage where you can finally fly.
With so much uncertainty, it can be tempting to sit back and wait for the experts to tell you what to think and do.
But the experts don’t agree with each other.
And, after the pandemic and the riots there will still be a recession to endure at some point.
Experts won’t agree on that either.
So, you can either sit on your hands for the next 2-5 years, hoping someone else gives you the answers, or you can learn how to create your own answers.
I want to help you learn how to walk your own path through this, and lead others.
You don’t need all the answers. You don’t need to know WHAT to think. You just need to know HOW to think in such a way as to gain clarity on your own insights. Indiepreneur Academy will help you do that.
If you’re struggling alone with your fear and uncertainty, you won’t be able to have the kind of breakthrough that will improve your life and the lives of others.
This is the kind of historical moment that calls for all of us to step up and do our best work. To do that, you need support. You need to feel your authentic emotions, process them, and find solutions that will help you and others.
You don’t need to have it all together before you join Indiepreneur Academy Membership. You just need to be coachable, and ready to be your completely flawsome self. I’m not selling you perfection. I’m offering you the chance to love and nurture yourself just as you are, and every step along the journey to become who you are destined to be, while challenging yourself to step into your true greatness and, as Les Brown says, stand up inside yourself no matter what happens in the markets or on the news.
What Happens When You Join..
When you decide to join Indiepreneur Academy Membership, you get immediate access to training that will teach you how to find balance during times of chaos, and how to unleash your most potent creative powers during these times rather than spinning into overwhelm.
You’ll become one of the Founder members of the Indiepreneur Academy Membership (I AM), and receive ongoing special offers on launches, etc, to celebrate you as a Founder.
You’ll get new training every month on topics such as:
- How to build resilience and resourcefulness in challenging times
- Practical steps on how to choose the right kind of business for you, and how to build that business
- Lead generation
- Marketing
- Copywriting
- Recruiting and Prospecting
- Closing
- Building a team
- Personal Development
- Creativity
- Writing mindset training
- Health
- Wealth
- Happiness
- Spirituality
- Relationships
- And much more!
After you dive into the Indiepreneur Academy experience for a few months, you will develop more confidence in your abilities, new skills, and a greater sense of control over your destiny, regardless of what is going on in the news.
Indiepreneur Academy Monthly
(I AM)
Affordable, simple monthly membership to give you a sense of direction, re-ignite your enthusiasm, and develop your resilience and resourcefulness for the post-2020 era, and the challenges the eventual recession will bring.

What Makes Indiepreneur Academy Membership Different From Other Monthly Memberships and Masterminds?
- Where other membership sites have a very narrow focus, such as how to create pretty pictures for Instagram, or how to rank up in an MLM, Indiepreneur Academy takes a more holistic approach. You will learn not only the tactics you need to be an Indiepreneur (independent entrepreneur), but also mindset, wellbeing, creativity and spiritual wisdom to give you a deeper sense of meaning and greater context to your mission on the planet than simply the hustle or rank on a leaderboard
- Rather than just having a bunch of courses that you're overwhelmed by, and paying monthly for access to them, in Indiepreneur Academy the longer you stay the more you get. It becomes more valuable over time and builds into an irreplaceable resource to help you with all the challenges and opportunities that come with the Indiepreneur life.
- You will get special discounts on new courses that are not available to non-members
- A private, members only podcast
- Telegram groups
This membership will teach you how to:
- Discover your true purpose and passions, so that you no longer feel lost, aimless, and stuck in procrastination.
- Unlock your inner creativity, so that you are more invested in your work, get a better sense of purpose, brand yourself with greater authenticity, and have more fun.
- Develop your spiritual/philosophical connection more fully (atheists also welcome. It works the same with awe for the universe/evolution/environment), so that you have a greater purpose and sense of fulfilment in everything you do.
- Stop procrastinating, so that you get more done in less time, with greater efficiency and effectiveness.
- Find focus, so that you no longer waste time in worry or waste money chasing shiny objects.
- Integrate your life and psyche, so you’re coming from a place of authenticity, personal integrity, and fullest self expression.
- Not only gain mastery, but also understand the importance of mystery. You will be able to build a business and life that make sense to both your mind and your heart, and that nurtures you and your clients, so that you’re showing up as your best self, serving others in a joyous and compassionate way, and achieving success without guilt or shame.
- Here are some of the amazing goodies you will get as soon as you join...

Free Bonus Course!
When you sign up for your 7 day trial, you’ll get Gravitational Planning System (GPS), my epic course on how to take the spinning chaos of the present moment and turn it into creativity, productivity, and marketing success.

Core Training!
Your first training on how to live the Indiepreneur life. Throughout your time in the membership, you will get new training modules in this section, which build over time to a comprehensive collection of easy to follow wisdom about mindset, strategy, tactics, philosophy, lifestyle, wellbeing, and the psychology necessary to find true joy in your profession. This will help you to get the best results, in the shortest time, with the greatest sense of fulfilment.

You’ll be part of the Indiepreneur Academy Membership (IAM) community. There is a comment section after every module, that allows you to give feedback and ask questions. You’re never alone on your journey. I will be popping into the Academy regularly, to answer questions and see your feedback. We also have our own little social network that is just for the membership. Here, you will get additional coaching from me, including answers to your specific questions. And there are Telegram groups for engagement and ad hoc coaching too.

And There's Even an App!
An app for your phone that lets you easily grab your training on the go, so you can carry Indiepreneur Academy with you wherever you go. One of the most common pieces of feedback I’ve had from customers and clients through the years is that they listen to my audio training over and over, and continue to uncover new levels as their experience increases. They also listen to me while doing other things, such as housework or going for walks. For this reason, I will be including lots of audios for you, that you can easily listen to on the app. You can do the same with videos.

If you've made it this far you owe it to yourself to invest in yourself because you know that now is the right time for you to get the support you need to create the business and life that you deserve.
You know that Indiepreneur Academy Membership is the resource you need to support you and hold you accountable while you do so. Now is the time to step up and take a chance on yourself.
Hi! I’m Rebecca Bardess, and I can’t wait to meet you inside the Indiepreneur Academy Membership!
If you’re struggling right now, I totally get it. As someone who survived a coma, then taught myself to speak, read, and write, I get it. But I also know how it feels to defeat impossible odds. After being told I’d never reach the same level as my peers due to the Traumatic Brain Injury that caused the coma, I got a degree in English, became a Bestselling Author in multiple countries, and was then a Magazine Columnist for six years. I also pioneered the Internet Marketing industry in the 90s and was one of the very first bloggers online.
That said, the path to success is not linear. Success isn’t actually a destination, it’s a path. Along the way, I’ve hit obstacles and made mistakes, just as you have. Many times, I’ve fallen flat on my face and had to start all over. It’s a mark of all indiepreneurs (people with an independent spirit and entrepreneurial creativity) that we are marked out by our ability to stand back up again when others would just stay on the ground.
I've walked that path for decades. I'm a bit of a bounce-back Bardess, and I can teach you how to have bouncebackability too.

Here's My Crazy Offer To You...
When you figure in the value of Gravitational Planning System, the core training, and support from me right inside the membership, plus members' only discounts on courses and coaching, the value you'll get in the first month alone is extraordinary.
Add it all up, and it comes out to a value of $500 at the very least, but you can enroll today for only $27 per month!
I want you to be 100% confident when you enroll in Indiepreneur Academy Membership
You’re protected with our 100% risk-free 'try it without paying' guarantee. Go through everything you get in the first 7 days, including Gravitational Planning System, and if you don't get value from it, just leave before you're charged. Not only will you get everything I mentioned above, but I'll even let you keep my $47 GPS course even if you leave. So, if you forget to cancel, you still got my GPS course for a $20 discount. Pretty cool, huh?
There’s literally no risk involved, because you’re backed by our 7-day guarantee!
It's a no-brainer. Simply buy it, try it, apply it. You’re backed by our 100% guarantee. If you don't like it, leave before the 7 days are up. If you do like it, you'll be automatically charged after 7 days, without any hassle for you.
Is this right for you?
10 Ways to Know You’re Ready to Get the Clarity, Direction, Resilience and Insight Necessary to Survive and Thrive Through The Pandemic and the Coming Recession.
- You worry daily about what will happen to you when the Government assistance/savings run out and you’re plunged into a falling market that’s stacked full of newly graduated students that will work for way less than you.
- You’ve worked hard to build a home based business for years, but never gone full-time. You’re now out of a job and need to make your side hustle into your main gig, but you’re not sure if you have the confidence or skills to do so.
- You’re struggling with social isolation and uncertainty, and need to feel ‘part of something’ so that you don’t feel so alone all the time.
- Having spent time at home with your loved ones - whether family or fur babies or both - you realise that you don’t want to return to work, and you need support to help you work from home.
- You have always wanted to write a book, or become an artist or musician, and have been exploring this hobby in the lockdowns, but you’re not sure how to go from amateur to professional. You feel creative, but not sure about marketing.
- The COVID-19 crisis hit you hard, and made you realise how short life can be. You’re determined not to waste another day of your precious life, and you need a monthly membership to hold you accountable.
- You want a coach, but don’t have the budget for that right now. Getting access to high value, low cost training would help you learn the strategies and tactics you need without breaking the bank.
- You love working from home, but hate not having a sense of community. You’ve found the big guru offers too impersonal. You want to be able to go through training, give feedback, and hear back from the trainer.
- You are getting depressed by the constant bad news, and desperately want to feed your mind something more positive and constructive.
- You know we are eventually going into what may be the deepest recession the world has ever seen, and you know that recessions create more new millionaires than any other time. You want to have the skills to ride the top of that wave, not be crushed by it.
- You know you have a gift that you are meant to share with the world, and you understand that if you don’t share it now, you may never do so.
(Yeah. I took it to 11. I do that.)
Frequently Asked Questions, And Considerations
Honestly, I'm the kind of person who gets a gut feeling about a course or product, and about the person selling it, and I just decide, but I know not everyone is that way, so I hope I'm answering all your questions here. Just in case you still have some, I've put together FAQs to put your mind at rest...
I can’t afford this right now. What should I do?
When I have more money I’ll do this
Do I really need to spend money on something like this?
I’m too busy to do this right now
I have a chronic condition/am recovering from coronavirus and have bad days. Will I even be able to build an online business? Also, you have a chronic condition, so how do I know you'll keep posting monthly content? What if you have a bad month?
How much time is this going to take out of my week / add to my schedule?
I'm not sure I'm at the right level yet to do this