Hate Something, Change Something, Make Something Better


Can Hate Be Good? Can Hate Be Great? Can Hate Be Something We Don't Hate?

Many years ago, Honda Motors had an epic advertising campaign, with a song about how hating something can actually be good, as long as you use that hate to change things and make things better. Here's the ad:

In my recent podcast interview with Brad, who spent five years in federal prison, we talked about many things, one of which was a period of time that Brad spent hating himself and life.

But he didn't just whine about it.

As you can hear in the top video, he wrote down everything he hated, was honest about it all, and then set about making it better. 

For the whole podcast, which unpacks what happened next, and how people can avoid prison if they start being honest with themselves, look up Like A Bardess wherever you get podcasts, click 'podcast' in the menu, or click this link to access Part 1 of How Federal Prison Unlocked Wisdom for Brad.

Remember Your Gift!

More accurately, remember your gifts. Remember you are gifted with some unique skills and blessings. If you live to 100 you may discover them all, but why wait when you can see how many you already found, and find out the buried treasure in you that's still a mystery?

Rebecca here. Thank you for spending the time to read my blog, especially if you commented on it. Double especially if you shared or blogged about it. I'm all about creating a blogosphere revival, so everything you do to help bring attention to this blog counts. 

To show my appreciation, here's your free Human Design chart. Tap the circle with my face in it if you'd like to share your discoveries with me. Or click the orange button at the bottom to get your full report instantly for only $35, if you're fascinated to know more about you.

Have a totally excellent day!



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