It Didn't Come To Stay: It Came To Pass

When I woke up this morning, I had a feeling that someone needed to hear a particular message today. At the time of writing, there is political turmoil so I thought that it may be about that. But I wasn't sure exactly what it was. I set the intention for my mind to filter through the noise and bring me an idea. Or for it to be delivered via the cosmic USB that I have by virtue of being a Manifestor who has been through multiple Near Death Experiences. 


Acknowledge Serendipity

When God (or whatever word you use) speaks to you, notice patterns. Once can be coincidence. Twice can be serendipity. Three times is a pattern that demands attention. Acknowledge it. 

I felt compelled to listen to the podcast of a client I'd helped years ago. I'd never listened to her podcast, and it looks as though she stopped publishing it a couple of years ago (she's wildly successful and famous, so it isn't that she fell off the map. It's probably that because of the amount of time she spends being featured in magazines having a podcast isn't her first priority right now.) Anyway, I scrolled through and picked one at random from 2021. 

Over the previous couple of days, I'd kept thinking of Les Brown and how he says that in difficult times you must remember that: "It didn't come to stay: It came to pass." Well, this podcast ended with those words!

It felt like a coincidence. 

Then I felt inclined to listen to a different podcast, published this week, by a different person. She also said the exact same words! Serendipity. Or more than that, since I'd been thinking of Les Brown. 

Finally, I felt pulled to go into unlisted videos I had on YouTube, to a video from 2017. It was a 28 minute video. I watched the first few minutes, then it ended. Acres of blank space after that. Just black screen. So I scrolled forward and saw a short video at the end. I watched it. It ended with:

"It didn't come to stay: It came to pass."

So, imma acknowledge it now. 


Are You The One?

It feels like someone really needs this message right now. If it's you, drop something in the comments. 

Whatever you're going through right now will pass. That's true whether it is good or bad. For many people at the time of writing things feel overwhelming. People are struggling to make sense of events in America and around the world. It can feel as if there is no stability and no safety. 

It came to pass. 

We are at a moment of turmoil, as we have been before, and these moments do pass. 

I remember during the last major recession, how it progressed from a 'credit crunch' to recession to for many people a depression. It felt like an endless onslaught. A perpetual winter. But I saw a video by Tony Robbins in which he described it as such, and said to remember that seasons pass. 

This is a season. It's come to pass. Tough times don't last, tough people do. 


Here for you if you need to chat. 


Remember Your Gift!

More accurately, remember your gifts. Remember you are gifted with some unique skills and blessings. If you live to 100 you may discover them all, but why wait when you can see how many you already found, and find out the buried treasure in you that's still a mystery?

Rebecca here. Thank you for spending the time to read my blog, especially if you commented on it. Double especially if you shared or blogged about it. I'm all about creating a blogosphere revival, so everything you do to help bring attention to this blog counts. 

To show my appreciation, here's your free Human Design chart. Tap the circle with my face in it if you'd like to share your discoveries with me. Or click the orange button at the bottom to get your full report instantly for only $35, if you're fascinated to know more about you.

Have a totally excellent day!



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