Let's Bring Back The Blogosphere

Google recently broke the blogosphere in a dramatic fashion. I won't waste space here going into it, beyond saying that all the lovingly crafted posts of decades of bloggers are now being chewed up by AI and spat out to the hungry little human birds who want only information, but no soul. 

So I say, let's forget Google. 

Let's forget SEO.

Let's bring back the blogosphere and build a network of bloggers who use their weblogs to talk about things that happened in their day, ideas that lit them up, and random musings that they'd like to discuss with friends they haven't yet met. 


The Blogosphere

Leave your blog URL in the comments and it might end up in the blogosphere that I'm building. 

We won't blog for SEO or algorithms. We'll blog for ourselves. When we find another blog we like, we'll comment, or share, or link to it from our own blog.

This is how we build a network. This is how we build a blogosphere. 


Some Blogosphere Revival Ideas

Here are some things we used to do in the original blogosphere. Do you remember any others, or do you have new suggestions? Leave them in the comments.

  • Guest blogs
  • Viral awards and challenges that bloggers nominated bloggers for and that linked back to them, to connect favourite blogs
  • Blog circles

The most important thing is that you're sharing a little of your journey, passions, obstacles, and discoveries in your own way. Honouring your human nature. Extending your friendship across oceans. Connecting with people who care that you do well. 

So, shall we build this?

Let me know if you want to get involved. You needn't be a blogger. I can teach you what you need to learn. Just let me know what stage you're at, and by all means link to your blog and to your Airchat profile, below. 



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