How To Undoomify Your Life

What Does Undoomify Mean?

I've coined a term for the cure to the world's current doom and gloomery. It's so freaking obvious that I judge humanity in general and myself in particular for not thinking of this sooner.

We must immediately UNDOOMIFY.

I'm so serious about this that I bought to prove my seriosity. Because Indiepreneur Academy is where your doom ends and your dreams begin. That's kinda cool of a tagline, actually. Might use that. What do you think?

Just as you don't cure hate with more hate, but with more love, you don't cure doomscrolling with more doomscrolling or more doomcontent with more doomcontent, or more doom with more doom. You cure the doomification of the world with undoomification. We shall defeat the Forces That Seek To Doomify, by becoming the Friends That Seek To Undoomify. Not the Forces, because you can't force undoomification. That's just silly. You friendify it. You hit it with 'cute aggression'. You pull together an army of plushies, brew some decent warming beverages, and pull an Aesop's on its arse. Which Aesop? Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

One day, the Sun and the Wind were arguing about which one was stronger. They decided to have a contest to see who could make a traveler take off his coat.

The Wind went first. It blew as hard as it could, trying to rip the coat off the man’s back.

But the harder the Wind blew, the tighter the traveler held onto his coat.

The Wind blew and blew, but it couldn’t make him let go.

Next, it was the Sun’s turn.

The Sun came out, shining warmly on the traveler.

The man soon began to feel hot, and he took off his coat without anyone having to force him.

The Wind was surprised.

The Sun smiled and said, "Sometimes, gentleness is stronger than force."

And that’s how the Sun won the contest.

Let's break that down a second.

Think of what you see when you're doom-scrolling. Are the comments full of warmth and light, or are they wind from the buttocks of  bilious, blustering, blow-hards? More often than not, the comments sections on social media are a fetid field of festering farts. OK. I'm done with the alliteration. Let's just say it's a lot of wind. And it rarely accomplishes anything. 

Do you think that you could make a point today of being the sunshine in the comments section of something?

Now, listen, know your limits. I'm USELESS at this. You might be too. There's a different solution for us. But for those who slow to anger, could you sunshine up the comments on social media for those of us who suck at it? Because that would be awesome. Maybe do it now while the rest of us have a chat about the best way forward for those of us whose halos aren't always completely aligned with bliss. 

For instance, if there are any Human Design Manifestors here, you know we're here to bring Peace or Anger, and staying in alignment with that first one when you can see what utter nincompoops (I'm bringing it back) people are being is tricky. So, we can limit our doom-scrolling but then what? We require deliberate action. This part here is crucial for any energetic type, by the way, so before I reveal our solution, let's get the energy aligned for it. So:

  • If you're a Manifestor, you already know this and I know better than to tell you a damn thing. Just do what you already know to do, which is this, and know that you're not the only one of us picking up that this is The Thing to do right now. 
  • If you're a Projector, I invite you to do this and to share your thoughts on it. It is a great way to acknowledge your own value and to see the value in others as you express yourself in ways that dispel bitterness and magnetise you for success.  
  • If you're a Reflector, this will be wonderful for you as you'll be able to sample from everyone and reflect on the collective mood through the month, honouring your need for surprise and discovery.
  • If you're a Generator or Manifesting Generator prepare for a world of blissful action and responding. You're the ones who will drive this, you freakishly powerful little Energizer Bunnies. The rest of us need you to show up and bring your best excitement to this project. What absolutely lights you up in this 'now moment'? What's thrilling to you? Not what makes you frustrated. We have X for that. What excites you and makes you bounce out of bed and into the world with the enthusiasm of a 1,000 toddlers on their way to Disney World?

    Think of that thing as I reveal what Blackadder's Baldrick might call a 'Cunning Plan'. And, hey, maybe this is wildly optimistic of me, but it isn't the first time. I did the same thing back in the recession when I urged creative people to stay creative even if the ship was sinking, because that's WHAT WE DO. That's WHO WE ARE. And external events don't get to dim that shine


    Here's The Plan

    1. We have a Blogosphere Revival. It's obvious. We should already have done it. I'm on it. Get in on it too. You don't have to be a particular kind of person or have particular beliefs, you just have to agree not to be a total ass to other people, and to commit to a general process of undoomification via collaboration. In other words, build an online digital village with us by bringing your good stuff and not being a jerk, so people remember how to human before we lose that skill. 

    2. We do imperfection practice, because imperfect action is so much better than perfect inaction. I get it. Sometimes the news or your own personal life can doom out so much that you get frozen. But you can't stay frozen or nothing will get done. You know what thaws frozen things? Coffee and tea. Prove me wrong! So you need an unfreezing place where you can undoom. Fortunately for you, I've got that covered too! I built an online 'Third Space' app, which is a friendly coffee shop with a ton of great undoomification tools in it, as well as open mic hangouts where you can learn ways to undoomify and the General Banter Chatroom where you can hang out with your new friends. You get a month's free time hanging out in our coffeeshop and making use of all the goodies for free when you get in on our Blogosphere adventure, by the way. 

    3. We get to know ourselves better, so we remember where the doom ends and our dreams begin. I use a bunch of tools for that, including half a century's worth of experience with both psychology and spirituality, but what I've found helps most people make sense of the confusion as a starting point is Human Design. Once you've done with this post, you can get your free Human Design chart at the bottom of the page as my gift to you for being freaking awesome enough to read about undoomification

In honour of connection across timelines and generations, I will finish this blog with the British Gen X salutation of yore that corresponds with the Millennial and Gen Z salutation: Let's f***ing go!

BITFO! Bring it TF on!!

Rebecca Bardess

Remember Your Gift!

More accurately, remember your gifts. Remember you are gifted with some unique skills and blessings. If you live to 100 you may discover them all, but why wait when you can see how many you already found, and find out the buried treasure in you that's still a mystery?

Rebecca here. Thank you for spending the time to read my blog, especially if you commented on it. Double especially if you shared or blogged about it. I'm all about creating a blogosphere revival, so everything you do to help bring attention to this blog counts. 

To show my appreciation, here's your free Human Design chart. Tap the circle with my face in it if you'd like to share your discoveries with me. Or click the orange button at the bottom to get your full report instantly for only $35, if you're fascinated to know more about you.

Have a totally excellent day!



Buy Your Full Discover Your Design Report!

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