Why Is Nobody Whelmed or Sane?
It is a truth that should be universally acknowledged that whelm is a thing.
People talk often about being overwhelmed, occasionally about being underwhelmed, but literally never about being 'whelmed'.
If it's possible to be overwhelmed and underwhelmed, it should also be possible to be 'Wombling free'. Sorry. British thing. But The Wombles have a point, so I'm going to invoke the great wisdom of my Gen X childhood and bring them to your attention. The Wombles wandered around Wimbledon Common and tidied up rubbish, which they repurposed: "Making good use of the things that we find. / Things that the everyday folks leave behind." Do YOU feel left behind?
Ooh. Ouch. Ready?
Do YOU feel like trash that society threw away? Because, honestly, many people do right now. If it isn't the algorithms shifting out of your favour or your boss talking down to you, it's politicians telling you that you don't have any value, or even family members doing it. We live in turbulent and divisive times. But what if you really do feel like garbage? Onto that in a mo. First, I'm looping back to my 'sanity' point.
Have You Ever Met a Sane Person?
Have you? You'd think if the ultimate destination of therapy is sanity that we'd all be able to reel off 20+ people we know who are absolute paragons of sanity, but can you? Nope. I'm telling you that you can't. I promise you that the person you just thought of (if you thought of someone) only appears sane to you because you don't know them well enough yet. We are all, and I apologise for the vernacular, as mad as bagful of frogs. How do I know this for a fact? Because if you are sane by the merits of an insane system, you're absolutely pathological. So if someone gave you your 'sane' badge today, with a participation lollipop, I guarantee you're as nutty as a granola bar. And the rest of us are all various different flavours of crazy. So forget being sane. Stop trying to make sane happen. It's never gonna happen.
Neither is 'whelmed'.
You will always be underwhelmed or overwhelmed, but it's up to you whether or not, in the dance of these states, you will remain 'Wombling Free'.
It's possible, even in a situation not of your making in which your freedom is curtailed by some external force, to remain free within your mind and your soul. As events around the world unfurl over the coming weeks and months we would all be wise to remember that. How can I speak to this? Simple:
- I've been a slave
- I've been held in solitary confinement against my will (different situation)
- I've been tortured (different situation).
I've been through some stuffs. I could go into detail about all these things, and I could probably build a 'misery' brand around any of them, but I won't. Why? Because fuck them, basically. I'm still here. And so are you. And if on any level you've been through any of these things or any other kind of diminishment or abuse then you know that the way you get through it is you absolutely resolutely refuse to let the bastards break you. Maybe that's not a cool thing to say, and maybe it's my Gen X feral stoicism coming out, but I've found many times that the best way out of hell is through it. I've been there often enough to know where all the exits are, and I can help you get through it if you're feeling overwhelmed.
Next Steps
You don't have to do this alone, unless you really want to. I've been helping people increase their capacity for whelm for over a decade. I've even been featured in business and writing industry magazines on the topic, because I'm that much of a Bardess at it. So, if you're ready to go from feeling overwhelmed, overlooked, and undervalued to being in clarity, confidence and complete connection I can help you the way I've helped thousands of other people.
However, you lucked out because I've now got an improved way of doing it. Not only do you get my years of experience, but you also get Human Design woven in to help you understand all of this at a deeper level for yourself. That means that you're not only learning from me while you work with me, but you have easy tools to apply for yourself whenever overwhelm attempts to prevent you from Wombling Free. Because it is your right as a human being on this planet to Womble free.
On this page are 3 different options. They range from under $50 to over $1,000 so there's something in there for every budget. Go and pick the one that's right for you. And if you have no budget, you'll find freebies all over this page where you can start your journey, because your value is not something that can be measured by money in the bank or pixels on a screen. You have true value, just as you are right now. I see you. I'm here to help you step into your powerful and wonderful self. You can do this.
Keep grinning!
Remember Your Gift!
More accurately, remember your gifts. Remember you are gifted with some unique skills and blessings. If you live to 100 you may discover them all, but why wait when you can see how many you already found, and find out the buried treasure in you that's still a mystery?
Rebecca here. Thank you for spending the time to read my blog, especially if you commented on it. Double especially if you shared or blogged about it. I'm all about creating a blogosphere revival, so everything you do to help bring attention to this blog counts.
To show my appreciation, here's your free Human Design chart. Tap the circle with my face in it if you'd like to share your discoveries with me. Or click the orange button at the bottom to get your full report instantly for only $35, if you're fascinated to know more about you.
Have a totally excellent day!