How To Handle The News Based on Your Human Design

Before I start in on the observation I have for you today, I need to do some housekeeping so that everyone knows where they are and what to expect. 

I am Rebecca Bardess, and I've had multiple Near Death Experiences. Via those I've received messages from God (you may use a different name and I have no issue with that) about my purpose here, and how God needs me to show up for others. So I'm coming from that place, rather than from a specific book or training. Today I will be talking about Human Design, but that is only a tool I use based on what I have been spiritually guided to do, directly, and THAT is what I honour.

In other words, I don't claim to be the world's expert on Human Design. I'm the world's expert in me and in my specific intuitions about things I read, experiences I have and people I meet. Sometimes I stick to a script and sometimes I go off it. If that's cool with you, keep reading. If not, it's good that you wasted no time and I hope you find what you're looking for. 

If you're still reading, welcome to my blog. You're meant to be here. Let's go a little deeper. 

While I can help you convert clicks to leads and leads to sales, I've never been about converting anyone from anything to anything from a religious or spiritual perspective, because I was told not to do so. There are plenty of others doing that work, but I'm here to meet you where you are and witness your perspective with you, whether it's mine or not.

Right now that's a pretty precarious spot to be in, but Christ met people where they were at and sought to understand their experience even where it differed from His, and if it's good enough for Him and Dolly Parton, then it's good enough for me. 

In short, take what works, leave what doesn't. Discussion in the comments is welcome. Hate is not. 


What is Human Design?

The world being as divided as it currently is, and most of the people who work with me being American, imma look at this question from two different perspectives. If I don't start with yours, bear with me a second because I'll get to you. This is a community buffet where everyone gets to eat, but you might need to be a bit patient. Ready? Get yourself a bevvy if you need one. 🫖


Right of Centre Perspective

 Understanding what the energetic map is for the way that you were designed for God to deliver His Will through you helps you to be a better channel for that Will. 

For instance, in my last NDE, I was seconds from death when I saw a vision that looked like me. I feel as if it was my externalised ego self but it's also been suggested it was my Guardian Angel which can show up to you looking like you if needed. She held up my plans for something I'd been called to build and asked me if I could 'at least ask'. I suddenly realised that people typically beg for their lives on their death beds, but I hadn't even asked. As I couldn't breathe at all at this point, I said this inside my mind:

Dear Lord God,
Make me a channel for Your Peace and Your Power.
Breathe life into me,
That I may breathe life into others,
That they may breathe life into their dreams,
And manifest them on the planet,
By Thy Will. 

In the next second, I could breathe. 

What's weird, aside from me having the AUDACITY to ask to be a channel for God's Power as well as Peace, and him saying 'bet' and giving me back my life to do so, is that I innately knew my Human Design. At the time I'd never even heard of it, but let's break this down:

I'm a 2/4 Manifestor, and I have the 'King/Queen' energy gate. This gives me the energetic blueprint to be a leader and initiator. Manifestor women make up only 4% of the world population, and few are aware that they are one, so if you're coming from a right of centre conservative approach to women and you encounter a female Manifestor, you may bristle.

And if you find a rare 2/4 female Manifestor the bristling might go into hedgehog mode, because we're not really built for the traditional 'feminine' role. We can be super feminine, but we'll also be badasses, or Bardesses. Just like the women who funded Christ's mission were. And just like the female saints. God doesn't make mistakes. He built Mother Mary as he did for a reason. He bestowed the honour of being the first preachers of the Good News of the resurrection on women for a reason.

Remember that it took 311 years for Rome to stop throwing Christians to lions and the official Roman Catholic Church wasn't a thing until 590 years after Jesus was born, and through those early years, women were preachers.There's some interesting historical info on it here if you're interested in understanding the early church better.

At some points, particularly well educated women outnumbered the men to the degree that exceptions needed to be made for them to marry men they would not ordinarily marry, so that there weren't too many single ladies being wise and distracting the menfolk with their wisdom. Because whatever next? I mean, The Bible ALWAYS refers to Wisdom as feminine, but clearly when wise women show up men lose their ever-loving minds rather than embrace the Biblical role of the feminine, which is to bring wisdom. I hate to be all 'are we nearly there yet?' on masculine wisdom without the contribution of women, but how's that going for the world? Men being super wise right now? 

Aristotle was taught by a man called Plato.
Plato was taught by a man called Socrates. 
Socrates was taught by a WOMAN called Aspasia

If I'm tweaking your tail a bit, it's because that's what I'm designed to do. And I do it with love. Because Manifestors are bringers of 2 things: Peace and Anger. When things are aligned, I bring peace (which I asked to be a channel for as I was dying) but when the world is out of alignment, I bring anger. If I was better at life maybe I would never go into the 'not self' state of anger, but I'm human. And when I see people deliberately standing in the way of peace imma unleash Shadow Bunny. 💥🐰💥 Work in progress. Impawfection practice. Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction. 

And, hey, if you're an American in MAGA, you may still think it's about Making America Great Again and have seen no signs of it being Monarchy Activated: Government Abolished, and as a child of God I can look at that in wonder and amazement, but still have empathy for how you got there. It's the boiling frogs thing. If you put a frog in cold water and gradually raise the temperature, then it never knows when the water is boiling. This has been a LONG con. What you signed up for at the start isn't what you've got now. And there's all kinds of stuff that then kicks in, such as sunk costs fallacy and trauma bonding. Like, it's been a decade. How the heck can you justify all the broken friendships and actions that weren't aligned with your ethics after a decade of this and just say: I was duped? 

God makes no mistakes. How you deal with this depends on your Human Design, so check that stuff out later, but please know that however much of a jerk you've been to people Jesus can forgive all of it. But He won't unless you change your ways. And why should you change your ways? Because you're currently in what's called a fixed mindset. You can't grow from a fixed mindset. If you're certain right now that society MUST look a certain way, and everyone must think and dress and act in a certain way then you've had something stolen from you: freedom of choice. Nobody with a healthy brain has that level of 'mind forged manacles' in their mind. God gifted us all with freewill for a reason, and if you currently deny other people freewill, you're doing that to yourself as well. And if you're doing that to yourself then you're not open to hearing how the Will of God is seeking to do work through you. So if you're noticing that what you wanted and what you're getting aren't completely aligned, an easy pivot out of this, pardon my French, sh*tshow is simply to declare you are a Republican. Simple. 

Republicans are VITAL to the US democracy. A bird with only one wing cannot fly. You need both the Democrats and the Republicans for the eagle to soar. People who understand what the Republic has always stood for, and what democracy stands for will respect that even if they disagree with your politics. It's a thing called The Overton Window. There's a space in the centre of politics where it's safe to have debates or heated discussions, because both sides know that nobody is going to end up physically assaulted as a consequence. That's where democracy sits in a healthy Republic. And true Republicans know this. So, here's a thing you can say:

"I appreciate that Trump and Elon are looking into government spending. As a Conservative, it matters to me that the government doesn't take too much money from the people, because Conservatives don't want the government to have too much power or people lose freedom. However, it is starting to look as if government IS getting too much power, because I'm a REPUBLICan and The White House is promoting the idea of Trump being a king. My ancestors fought for us to have an independent republic, not a monarchy.' 

And if you're in a conversation with someone on the left who can't hear you because they no longer trust any Republicans, I can't promise this will work but you can try something like this to open up a conversation. If it doesn't work, don't get into a fight. It isn't personal. Just walk away and get on with your day. People aren't rejecting YOU, any more than people are rejecting a beekeeper who's surrounded by bees they're allergic to, they're rejecting the bees. And they're allowed to do that. You can sell someone else on the benefits of your particular brand of honey another day. Here's what you can start with:

"I appreciate that we are not on a same page politically. I'm personally glad that Trump and Elon are looking into government spending. As a Conservative, it matters to me that the government doesn't take too much money from the people, because Conservatives don't want the government to have too much power or people lose freedom. However, it is starting to look as if government IS getting too much power, because I'm a REPUBLICan and The White House is promoting the idea of Trump being a king. My ancestors fought for us to have an independent republic, not a monarchy. I'm not prepared to be abused or trolled, but I'm open to a discussion about ways we can bring the country together if you are.' 

Obviously, with both of these, rephrase them so they're less formal and more 'you', but that's the gist. For a democracy to be healthy there need to be more people playing the game on the field and fewer throwing missiles into the stadium from the road outside, hoping it makes the Libs inside cry. Literally, get back in the game of democracy or your stadium will be closed down, which will suck for the right, left, and the whole world. Hope that makes sense. 

  •  We all have a cross to bear, and yours is specific to you. One of the things I love about Human Design is that it tells you the cross that you bear.

    This is almost like a sketch of the story of the theme of your life. For me, it's the Right Angle Cross of Planning 1. My life is about: harmony, willpower, determination, and enthusiasm. Part of my journey is about bringing harmony between different people (see what I'm doing here) and being courageous about it in ways that others struggle to do. It's about being determined in my pursuit of what is ethically aligned for me, and being enthusiastic about the idea that peace can be achieved in powerful ways. Remember my words to God above? Peace is my signature energy. It's what Manifestors stand for when aligned. Power is my perspective. I'm meant to speak power into people, to look into power dynamics, and make sure things run in a way that honours the harmony of the community as a whole.

    I intuitively knew this when I asked God to bring me back to do this work, and He personally blessed me with the permission to do so. He brought me back to life to give you this message: to breathe life into you so you can breathe life into your dreams. 

    Again, I intuitively knew my Human Design. I didn't ask God to make me a channel to manifest MY desires. I asked to be a channel to manifest HIS, through people that I initiate in these ideas that HE sends to me. That is the path of the Manifestor. We are the first domino. The cue ball. The Divine speaks to us and we inform others so they can respond to that calling. Sometimes, we just do stuff. Nobody gets informed and everyone gets cross. So if you know a Manifestor ask them what they're receiving and urge them to inform others or everyone gets confused, and nothing gets done. 

    Most of the people reading this are Generators. Use the free calculator to see what you are. Generators do most of the work on this stuff. We Manifestors are unicorns (I'm piscean so I'm more of a narwhal) and generators are workhorses. But without workhorses nothing gets done. The world is changed by the workhorses. The changes are just suggested by the unicorns.

    You have freewill. You can ignore this and come back to it in 3 years and kick yourself, or you can act on it and BE the change that God wishes to see in the World. Your call entirely. Look back on who you've been and when you've felt that quiet pride that doesn't shout. How would you need to pivot now to bring that back in, because that is God trying to work with you. And He SO wants and needs to work with you. And if my words piss you off, that's great. Manifestors are meant to initiate people. So if I annoy you, I'm doing my job! 🙂
Use the free calculator to find out your energy type and also the particular Incarnation Cross that God blessed you with, and see what resonates. If you want a comprehensive report on you for only $35 look on the page where your chart opens and you can download that instantly. 

I will leave my message to you with a poem from a chap who went through a period of time when he too didn't fully appreciate the poisonous power of the swastika. He saw it as a spiritual symbol, but later removed it from all his books when he saw what it became. If you are even remotely in the realm of considering that symbol or fascism OK then I hope you also have a 'come to Jesus moment' about that, because Christ would not resonate with that view. Anyway, regardless of where you are now, read and share this poem. It's incredibly powerful, especially for men and boys who feel lost.

If, by Rudyard Kipling. 

If you can keep your head when all about you   
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,   
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;   
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;   
    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;   
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;   
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:
If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,   
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’
If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,   
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,   
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,   
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Left of Centre Perspective

Thank you for your patience! Ready to go?

Many of you may already understand what Human Design is, and I've covered a lot of the basics in the explanation I gave to the right wing of the eagle just now, but let's look at some ways this will make sense of things from your perspective. 

Where people on the right tend to focus on freedoms to do with the freedom to pay less taxes and freedom from government restrictions, people on the left also care about freedoms but they're more often to do with freedom of expression, identity and creativity. When you're trying to express yourself in an environment where self-expression is being limited that can be very stressful. Here are some ways that Human Design can help.

If you lack structure and feel chaotic, it can help you get your thoughts back on track. For instance, if you're someone who doesn't do well with religion or you're an atheist, you might lack a clear map to help you navigate life. That can become scary when life is unpredictable.

Human Design isn't a religion. It contains spiritual aspects but it's more of a map of your energy centres with some guidance on what that means, so you can see how you are part of the universe, and how the universe is unfolding as it should.

I would like to share a wonderful piece of writing that inspired that last line with you called The Desiderata. I assume most people have read it, but increasingly few do. So here it is:


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain or bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
by Max Ehrmann ©1927


Impossible for me to read that without the feels. 'Whatever you conceive Him to be' get into a state of being open to receiving wisdom that is aligned with your true self and connected with your Higher Self, your IAM self, for the greatest good of all. Human Design helps you to wade through the weeds and find the path to that. 

Simply knowing a few basic things about your energy and how it works can stop you beating yourself up all the time. For instance, if you're a Generator you'll get a gut feeling about something and you'll be like a golden retriever puppy or a border collie scrambling to greet the person or grab the stick. But if you're around a Reflector, that same decision could take them 28 days to make! So if you're a Generator in a relationship with a Reflector and you don't know that, you'll be constantly frustrated (which is the Generator Not Self energy).

If you're a Projector, and you've got great ideas, but nobody will listen to you and everyone shuts you down when you speak you might not know that you need to wait for the invitation to speak. You're like a guest of honour at the dinner. Wait to be invited to speak and people will hear you.

Honestly, one of the biggest energetic beefs can be between Projectors and Manifestors, because the Not Self energy of a Projector is bitterness and if they're in that energy they HATE Manifestors, because we're the only ones who get to do what we want without responding to anyone first, which really gets Projectors' goats. Chill! You'll get your turn! You've got 2 years until the energy shifts. You're used to Generators being amazed by your skills, and that's because you're meant to be working primarily with Generators and Manifesting Generators, but if you come at Manifestors with that piercing aura and try to break in, it won't work, much of what you're selling we already have, and you'll get cross. Save yourself the bother and put that energy into helping the super-energetic Generators, who need you to point out where their greatness is. By the looks of things, in a couple of years Manifestors will still be initiating, but Projectors will be invited to speak way more and will take a much bigger leadership role to move the world forward, so get into your signature SUCCESS energy, find yourself a Manifestor as a matter of urgency, and ask them to be completely honest with you. You need to be coached by at least one Manifestor over the next 2 years, or your head won't handle the weight of the crown. Flouncing up in a cool outfit and expecting to be treated like a special princess/prince won't cut it after 2027, nor will just being told how great you are. You need a little bit of tough love to help you handle what's coming next, rather than being overwhelmed by it, so get your skills and energy ready to change the world!

Again, remember that your success is going to come not from people telling you how great you are all the time (it's a bottomless pit if you're out of alignment as I'm sure you know) but by looking for ways that everyone can win, and seeing the greatness in others without bitterness. If you want to get ready for that, I invite you to work with me for up to 90 mins and see if I'm your Manifestor. If I am, I have a monthly coaching subscription for as long as you want to work with me. If I'm not, find another Manifestor. It'll be a bit uncomfortable whichever of us you choose, because you're in a growing phase, but find one of us, and do it now! We're going to need you so much in a couple of years!


How to Handle The News, By Design

There's a quick and dirty way of doing this if you're not 'there' yet. Give your Not Self/shadow energy a platform where it can backpaw people in the proverbials at will.  If you venture onto my X account (don't) you will see almost pure Shadow Bunns most days. I'm not even going to excuse it. Shadow Bunns has her own ways and she's untameable. 💥🐰💥 I'm working on it. Then make the rest of your content aligned with your Signature Self. For instance, you're more likely to find that on Bluesky from me. 

Better options are to understand what your Not Self Theme is (go to the calculator, or get the instant report if you're serious about this) and find ways to calm it down. 

  • Manifestors feel ANGER when they see people not leading in a way that will bring PEACE. See it as a call to INFORM people of better approaches when the news makes you angry, and to INITIATE them in ways to take action on those. You're here to bring peace on Earth, not rage. Chill. And if you're a Manifestor with Cluster B traits (tough roll of the dice) this podcast will help. 
  • Projectors feel BITTERNESS when they see people not being as SUCCESSFUL as they could be, or when the Projector feels that they are not a success in the eyes of others.

    This can tip into narcissistic behaviour, envy, and a drive to cancel others if you don't keep it in check (see the podcast above if it does) but remember that the reason you're riled up is because you are here to bring success to the world. Your job is to spot the greatness in others and find ways to coax it out of them so everyone wins, including you. The more you do that, the less resentment and bitterness you'll feel.

    When the news brings up bitterness about this, look for the invitations that you've missed that people do want your advice and are looking for encouragement. You are here to do valuable work, and that work is about to become way more important, so level up. We need you to be successful for all of us to be successful! 
  • Reflectors feel DISAPPOINTMENT when they see no reason for delight or playful SURPRISE. You have my empathy. As the rarest type, it must be hard to find people who understand you, and you're taking in everyone else's energy all the time, seeing where people can change and often finding it hard to put that to people in a way that they'll listen.

    When you see the news, ask yourself how much of what you're feeling is yours and how much is empathy for the collective. You can't feel everyone's feelings. It's too much. Wait 28 days before making important decisions. Put things in drafts for 28 days. In fact, that's a decent content generation strategy for you. Schedule everything 28 days out, so you're not constantly in a state of disappointment and overwhelm wondering how you really feel. 
  • Generators feel FRUSTRATION. If it ever feels as if most of what you're seeing online is about how frustrated people are, that's because most people online and in the world are Generators.

    The way to handle frustration is to see it as a sign that points you towards what you want to RESPOND to in better ways. Ask yourself what would be more SATISFYING in this situation, and see if there's anything you can respond to that will bring a greater sense of satisfaction.

    Unpopular opinion: If you're a Manifesting Generator, you're still a Generator.

    It isn't your fault if you think a Mani Gen is half Manifestor and Half Generator, or a Manifestor-Generator hybrid, because there are so many people who've spread that misinformation. It isn't true and it'll confuse you if you take that on board.

    There's a tendency for Mani Gens to try to use Manifestor strategies to handle their anger, but it won't work, unfortunately, because you're a sub-set of Generators and you have a Generator Aura. The Manifesting bit is to do with the throat motor, not the Aura.

    Your Aura is open and enveloping, Like all Generators, where us Manifestors have a dense Aura that keeps people out of the way by repelling them, like when you put two like magnets together, while we're channelling orders from the cosmos.

    If you try to be a Manifestor with a Generator Aura you will become completely overwhelmed. It'll be a literal horror movie. You'll be like a walking Ouija board, with no ability to set boundaries around that. You can't do it, so don't try. However, the bitterness that Projectors get into with Manifestors (though I've never had that experience with Manifesting Generators) can come out as anger or frustration in MGs because you have the need to speak and Projectors have a need to be noticed, both carry the suspicion that you should be able to say and do whatever without needing to respond or wait to be invited. I get it. But embrace your Generator Aura. It's utterly wonderful and it pulls people towards you. Then use your voice to respond for Generators as a whole. You can see better ways for Generators to be working, so RESPOND to that!

    The Universe owns the restaurant, Manifestors set the menu, Generators are the chefs and servers, Mani Gens are Restaurant Managers and Motivational Coaches, Reflectors are in charge of food safety checks and advising HR when everyone thinks they have different problems but they're all saying the same thing; Projectors are Restaurant Critics, spotting what works and what needs improving across the board, then handing out trophies to the best performers. When they show up at a restaurant, they're treated like special guests.

Remember Your Gift!

More accurately, remember your gifts. Remember you are gifted with some unique skills and blessings. If you live to 100 you may discover them all, but why wait when you can see how many you already found, and find out the buried treasure in you that's still a mystery?

Rebecca here. Thank you for spending the time to read my blog, especially if you commented on it. Double especially if you shared or blogged about it. I'm all about creating a blogosphere revival, so everything you do to help bring attention to this blog counts. 

To show my appreciation, here's your free Human Design chart. Tap the circle with my face in it if you'd like to share your discoveries with me. Or click the orange button at the bottom to get your full report instantly for only $35, if you're fascinated to know more about you.

Have a totally excellent day!



Buy Your Full Discover Your Design Report!

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