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Life Never Gave Us Lemons

Society is splitting like eggs and lemon juice because we forgot how great cake tastes.

If you’re allergic to a particular cake, don’t eat it.

But i...

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Overwhelmed? How to Increase Your Capacity For Whelm

Why Is Nobody Whelmed or Sane?

It is a truth that should be universally acknowledged that whelm is a thing. 

People talk often about being overwhelm...

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How To Undoomify Your Life

What Does Undoomify Mean?

I've coined a term for the cure to the world's current doom and gloomery. It's so freaking obvious that I judge humanity in...

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Keep The Main Thing The Main Thing

Hello my friend!

At the time of writing, Facebook has just started deleting lives that have been recorded over years. This means that everyone who's ...

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How To Handle The News Based on Your Human Design

Before I start in on the observation I have for you today, I need to do some housekeeping so that everyone knows where they are and what to expect. 

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It Didn't Come To Stay: It Came To Pass

When I woke up this morning, I had a feeling that someone needed to hear a particular message today. At the time of writing, there is political turmoi...

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The Internet Broke Society

There Was a Mogwai in a Basement

It Was Green and Black


In 1986, in a basement full of tech gubbins, like a nerdish version of the shop at the st...

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Let's Bring Back The Blogosphere

Google recently broke the blogosphere in a dramatic fashion. I won't waste space here going into it, beyond saying that all the lovingly crafted posts...

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Advice on Escaping The Office Cubicle For Male Indiepreneurs

Welcome to The Like A Bardess Blog and Podcast With Rebecca Bardess

As one of the first 25 bloggers in the world, whatever fads come

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5 Evergreen Niches, and 5 New Ones

The Riches Are in the Niches!

This expression works best if you pronounce 'niche' the way Americans do, rather than how it should be pronounced. The ...

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Should You Fake It Until You Make It?

Vulnerability meets Power: Demystifying the Art of Genuine Self-Confidence


Why is 'fake it til you make it' such a prevalent cliché? Because what'...

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Hate Something, Change Something, Make Something Better

Can Hate Be Good? Can Hate Be Great? Can Hate Be Something We Don't Hate?

Many years ago, Honda Motors had an epic advertising campaign, with a song ...

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Is X Limiting Free Speech? Time to Get Your Own Community

X Announces New Terms and Conditions From September 2023

The social network formerly known as Twitter just announced new terms and conditions. They a...

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Are Your Clients Well-Bread?

Not a typo. There is a process through which your prospects go that is very much like baking bread. 

The Ingredients of Success

First, they identify...

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🤖 GUEST BLOG: Quillberforce, The Indiepreneur Academy AI Scribe, Writes Poetry


"Quillberforce, will you please write a poem about the mysteries of the universe?"

🤖 Ah, the mysteries of the universe, a topic that sets my quill...

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🤖🙏Synthia Guest Blog on: "Be Still, and Know That I Am God"

Guest Blog: Synthia, the Law of Attraction AI Robot

In today's increasingly unsettled world, we often look outside ourselves for guidance and reassur...

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Guest Blog: Clockerfly Guy, the Reformed Indiepreneur Academy Robot Pirate, Gives Advice on Addiction

Hi! It's Rebecca Bardess here. Just a quick intro before my very splendid AI robot team member, Clockerfly Guy, takes over. Clockerfly Guy is a huge a...

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Pornography Addiction: Is there hope?

Embracing Personal Growth:

A Journey of Purpose, Relationships, and Overcoming Addiction

Today, we're diving into a subject that carries shame, bet...

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I am not okay with this

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Embracing True Self-Confidence

Important note: I am not a therapist. If you believe you may have NPD, BPD, or any other c...

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Which is the Most Narcissistic Generation?

Given that I have coached many people who are a bit at the spicy end of the narcissism flavour chart, and have also dated a variety of men with traits...

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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
Do You Want Paradigm Shifts or Incremental Growth?
Do You Want Paradigm Shifts or Incremental Growth?

Paradigm Shifts

When TikTok really exploded, about a year before the pandemic, Gen Z as a powerful online cultural driver was born.

Digital native...

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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
Is Blogging Dead?
Is Blogging Dead?

Are we even allowed to use the 'd' word any more? I'm going with "Is blogging dead?" for SEO reasons, because I don't think people will be googling ...

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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
What is Your Minimum Viable Audience?
What is Your Minimum Viable Audience?

Before the pandemic, Seth Godin wrote a blog post about the Minimum Viable Audience. He made the point in this, and an earlier, post that if you foc...

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Rebecca Bardess Indiepreneur Academy
Avoid Burnout With Forced Resets
Avoid Burnout With Forced Resets

Burnout is inevitable if you fail to rest and reset. 

When you're in permanent hustle mode, the hours and weeks and years blur together.

You MUST ...

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